maintaining dental implants Washington PA
Maintaining Your Dental Implants

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

dental implant care washington PADental implants are a completely unique replacement because they have the potential to last a decade and even the rest of your life. However, that’s only if you care for them properly! Without protecting your newly restored smile, damage or infection could cause your implants to fail. But there is no need to worry. We have included some simple yet effective steps for dental implant care in Washington to ensure that you get the most out of your complete set of teeth.

Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

While your dental implants can’t get cavities, it’s still vital that you practice good oral health. Common issues like gum disease can cause your implants to fail by infecting the surrounding tissue that supports them. That’s why it’s important to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each session, paying close attention to your gumline. You should also floss once a day to remove lingering plaque or food debris that get caught in between teeth. Plus, it’s a good idea to use a non-alcoholic mouthwash to reach areas of your mouth that are difficult to clean.

Eat a Healthy Diet

One of the most significant advantages of dental implants is that they allow you to eat whatever you want, giving you a more nutritious AND delicious diet. That said, do not overindulge in extra hard, sticky, or sweet foods. These items can be problematic, increasing your risk of issues like decay and infection. Instead, try to eat foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin C to keep your jawbone and gums healthy (example: veggies and low-fat dairy).

Break Bad Habits

Don’t let bad habits or lifestyle choices cause premature dental implant failure. Smoking and using tobacco products slow down the healing process and encourage infection, which will negatively impact the longevity of your implants. Additionally, avoid using your teeth for anything other than eating and speaking. Opening packages, bottles, or using your smile as a tool will only increase your risk of a problem with your dental implants in Washington.

Protect Your Dental Implants

Dental implants are made to be incredibly strong, however they are not completely indestructible. If you play sports or participate in any physical activity, you must wear a mouthguard to protect your dental implants (and any remaining natural teeth) from harm. Additionally, if you’re affected by bruxism, known commonly as teeth grinding, ask Dr. Bartusiak about a nightguard. This custom-made, comfortable oral appliance is worn at night to protect your smile from grinding that occurs while you sleep.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Don’t forget to schedule routine checkups with our implant dentist in Washington. Dr. Bartusiak will carefully examine your mouth to make sure that your implants look, feel, and function properly. During these appointments, he can catch any issues while they’re still small, helping you save time and money in the future. By investing in your routine checkups, you can safeguard your smile for decades to come!

Want A Gorgeous Smile? We Can Help Restore It!

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Stefanie King
Stefanie King
Dr. Barry and his staff are wonderful. They make you feel comfortable the moment you walk in. During your visit, they are always asking if you need anything and if you’re okay. Every staff member is very friendly. I have had both routine cleaning and dental work done and am extremely pleased with both. I definitely recommend this office for your dental needs.
Justin Benson
Justin Benson
Fantastic experience. Started seeing Dr. Barry for a dental emergency a few months ago. I tried contacting 10+ dentists in the area, none of them would see me. Crazy, right? I'm very happy those 10+ dentists declined me as a patient. I had an appointment scheduled with Dr. Barry the next day. Professional, knowledgeable, friendly staff. Nothing but good things to say as a new patient. And no, I wasn't provided a gift card to leave this review. I did so on my own free will.
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